Tag: Comet

Comets | Meet the experts

Comets | Meet the experts

Rosetta’s ongoing science

Rosetta’s ongoing science

Latest from Rosetta

Latest from Rosetta

Rosetta?s final images

Rosetta?s final images

Rosetta:  the end is in sight

Rosetta: the end is in sight

Paxi – Rosetta og kometer

Paxi – Rosetta og kometer

Rosetta: landing on a comet

Rosetta: landing on a comet

Rosetta landing site choices

Rosetta landing site choices

How to orbit a comet

How to orbit a comet

Philae’s mission at comet 67P

Philae’s mission at comet 67P

Rosetta — the story so far

Rosetta — the story so far

Chasing a comet

Chasing a comet