Meet the ESA experts – Living on the Moon


The Apollo Mission proved humans can work on the lunar surface but the longest lunar spacewalk lasted a total of 22 hours. Could humans spend longer amounts of time on the Moon? How about live there, as they do on the International Space Station? Lunar technology expert Bérengère Houdou describes living on the Moon.

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  1. Why on earth, our planet earth have everything for suitable life namely, as an example, the Iron core which have many benefits, the atmosphere, oxygen, nitrogen, and co2 which are essnial for life. The moon is not that far away from planet earth, why the hell have not got all the essential ingredients? Is there somebody design the earth to be perfect for life?

  2. Foi um prazer ouvir falar esta expert …Boa comunicadora explicando tudo ao detalhe e de forma impressionante!! Morar na Lua e ver o Homem noutro patamar da exploração!! A Lua ainda nos vai surpreender!? Oh, a Lua é mesmo linda…

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