Meet the ESA experts ? 3D Printing on the Moon


We can 3D print just about anything these days, from tools and buildings to cells and even food. But that?s on Earth, where materials are readily available. What about in space or on the Moon? Could we 3D print a lunar base? ESA engineer Advenit Makaya walks us through the process.

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  1. This may be a good idea. The only problem is that it requires a great amount of power and a lot of time. Then there is the maintenance issue. I have a 3D printer and if mine is any example, it (3D printing) will have to make some technical advances before it is practical.

  2. Imprimir a Lua e pormos os aposentos em impress?o de forna apurada …Para que a estadia na Lua se torne uma realidade!! A Lua expande-nos a imagina??o…A impressora ? um instrumento para inovar as ideias em 3 dimens?es numa l?gica que poder? alcan?ar diversas possibilidades!! N?o h? limites para o sonho …

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