How to create Artificial Intelligence in Python : Part-1 || Iron Man Friday?
Hello Friends, I am very excited while creating the video. This video is very close to my heart. Why? I love Marvel series specially the Iron Man and his AI Jarvis.
But, now Jarvis is Vision and at present his AI is Friday. So, i have tried to build same kind of Artificial Intelligence in Python.
RIght now, it a basic one. Which will greet, open C drive folders and good bye.
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I have installed pyaudio 0.2.11 by downloading .whl file
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Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:UsersUserOneDriveDocumentsVisual", line 46, in <module>
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File "c:UsersUserOneDriveDocumentsVisual", line 30, in read_voice_cmd
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Because of Indian hackers who are shaping the country of India, it sounds like you're trying to scam someone. Sorry.
bhai merii script my koi msla naii haii mgr tab bhii listening pr script chltii rehtii my khuch bi bolo wo reply ni milta
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Ye type error aa raha hai