Horizons mission – exercise in space


We all know the importance of exercise, but in space it is even more important to keep astronauts alive and healthy. ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst explains how crew members on the International Space Station exercise for 2.5 hours a day to maintain muscle and bone strength.

From the Cycle Ergometer with Vibration Isolation and Stabilisation (CEVIS), to the Treadmill 2 (T2) and Advanced Resistive Exercise Device (ARED), Alexander shows how the exercise equipment astronauts use in space is similar to what you might find in a gym on Earth – with a few important changes for microgravity.

Alexander took over as commander of the International Space Station for Expedition 57 on 3 October 2018 and will remain on the Station until December 2018 as part of his Horizons mission.

Follow Alexander and the Horizons mission on social media via http://bit.ly/AlexanderGerstESA and on http://bit.ly/HorizonsBlogESA.

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