Thomas Pesquet at Le Bourget
Interview with ESA astronaut Thomas Pesquet at the Paris Air and Space Show, on the science of his Proxima mission and some career advice for his younger followers, 19 June 2017.
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je suis la seule avoir l impression qu il flotte encore parfois ? ??
What a Man ! And he is French! Vive la France!
The best astronaut, for sure. Always sharing, always with a shine in his eyes… his photos from the space station are already being missed! Merci, ESA and Thomas!
il est plus dynamique en anglais … Peut ?tre a cause de cette magnifique cr?ature.
Thank you for this english video
OMG! He is soo handsome ??????
Not only kids have stars in their eyes 😀
Lucky Tom, 6 month in space and interviewed by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels.
Il lui restait encore de la p?leur et de la fatigue, mais normal, au moment de la vid?o ?a faisait 17 jours qu'il ?tait revenu de l'espace…
But…what were their objectives? Not clear to me.