Tag: space

Forward to the Moon with ESA

Forward to the Moon with ESA

Earth from Space: Faroe Islands

Earth from Space: Faroe Islands

ESA Preview 2020

ESA Preview 2020

Paxi utforsker eksoplaneter!

Paxi utforsker eksoplaneter!

ESA highlights 2019

ESA highlights 2019

40 years of Ariane

40 years of Ariane

Zero gravity Science

Zero gravity Science

What is Cheops?

What is Cheops?

Paxi bada egzoplanety!

Paxi bada egzoplanety!

Paxi explorează exoplanetele!

Paxi explorează exoplanetele!

Paxi onderzoekt exoplaneten!

Paxi onderzoekt exoplaneten!

Paxi udforsker exoplaneter!

Paxi udforsker exoplaneter!

Paxi zkoumá exoplanety!

Paxi zkoumá exoplanety!

OPS-SAT: the flying laboratory

OPS-SAT: the flying laboratory

Paxi explores exoplanets!

Paxi explores exoplanets!

Paxi explore les exoplanètes !

Paxi explore les exoplanètes !

Paxi erkundet Exoplaneten!

Paxi erkundet Exoplaneten!

Paxi esplora gli esopianeti!

Paxi esplora gli esopianeti!

Paxi explora exoplanetas!

Paxi explora exoplanetas!

Paxi utforskar exoplaneter!

Paxi utforskar exoplaneter!

¡Paxi explora los exoplanetas!

¡Paxi explora los exoplanetas!

Cheops: the hunt for exoplanets

Cheops: the hunt for exoplanets

Paxi on the ISS: Airlock

Paxi on the ISS: Airlock

Earth from Space: Mato Grosso

Earth from Space: Mato Grosso

Sentinel-6: charting sea level

Sentinel-6: charting sea level

Earth from Space: Seville

Earth from Space: Seville