Marble Gravitron – Sick Science! #023
Last summer, Spangler Labs took a company trip to an amusement park. We didn’t go for a company retreat, we didn’t even go on a day off. We went to do research on physics, the science of motion. One amusement park ride that really got Steve thinking was the gravitron. As we all stood in a circular room with our backs against the wall, the walls began to spin. Faster and faster the walls spun until the floor dropped out from under us. There were shrieks of terror as everyone thought they were about to fall, but to our surpise… we didn’t drop! Steve wanted to find a way to recreate this phenomenon on a small, kitchen-science scale. Steve Spangler Science gives you the Marble Gravitron!
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? 2011 Steve Spangler Science all rights reserved
You used more force when turning upside down there for making it not fall π
This Happens because the marble travels so rapidly inside the glass that it goes down the glass very very slowly
What? Is? Gravitron?!?!?!?!
i broke my glass
Of course the marble is spinning so quickly that in the possibility it ignored of being falling down because it continuously doing or spinning
and you need safety glasses and adult supervision for this?
its centripetal force
Where do you buy adult supervision?
They change the theme song at last!!!!
When you spin it the centripetal force pulls the marble outwards but because the glass
is slightly angled it? doesn't fall