What did NASA’s New Horizons discover around Pluto?


In 2015, NASA’s New Horizons space probe whizzed by Pluto. Now it has sent back all of its data, what did it see and discover?

In this video, I showcase the journey New Horizons took in order to get to Pluto, its moons, geological features, and Pluto’s atmosphere.

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Image Credits:
NASA, Hubble, Space Engine, ESO

Music Credits:
Podington Bear – Arise
Mark LaFountain – Equation

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  1. Very informative video, but I do have a question. What was illuminating Pluto when we saw the dark side of the planet when you were showing us the layers, and for that matter the side when we saw the surface detail? I was always told(maybe wrongly so) that Pluto is so far out that our sun would appear as small as any other star we see in our night's sky so I thought that it would be awfully hard to see anything on Pluto, regardless of the side you were on in respect to the sun? Is this camera tricks with low light apertures or light amplifying electronics or computer enhancement? I'm not crying conspiracy, the photos in this video explicitly said they were enhanced, I understand, just wondering how much light they had to add while doing it and how they did it?

  2. Admit it is a big round ball and not just a rock, what looks like a planet, rotates like a planet , obits the sun like a planet and is not a planet because some theorist sitting behind a desk said its not.

  3. Só existe , o Reino celeste encima do mar primordial , embaixo do mar primordial , existe uma cúpula de vidro , e embaixo da gigantesca cúpula de vidro está as estrelas as nuvens o sol da lua , e atmosfera o vento , e mais abaixo está os contingentes e mares terrestres e oceanos Atlântico e rios e cachoeiras e represas e ilhas , a terra é um círculo gigante plano , com 7 pilares , e mais bem abaixo é o grande abismo de escuridão , sim ali é a morada dos anjos que o arcanjo Miguel expulsou de cima do mar , os demônios residem nas profundezas do abismo de trevas , por que o sol ea lua só iluminam sobre os contingentes que estam os seres humanos que tem o livre arbítrio de escolher o senhor Jesus Cristo Deus e filho fiel de Deus Jeová como o único salvador de almas, toda humanidade é doutrina da desde 1958 pela base nazista de Werner von brau a crer nas fábulas criadas por cji computação gráfica por especialistas em manipular as imagens criadas por cji computação gráfica por especialistas em manipular as imagens são produzidas nos porões de Hollywood empresa cinematográfica de filmes de ficção. Paulo dá Silva de Cornélio Procópio Paraná Brasil

  4. Hey people, does anyone know a good source for 3D visualizations of the Planets? Something like Google Earth? I downloaded a 3D model of Pluto from the NASA website but it's basically just an image just mapped onto a sphere as far as i can tell

  5. Stay Alert: Proof that intelligent life have arrived to assist humanity (Galactic Forces of Light who are stationed in your solar system right now), will be hidden from you. Example: A Space Station 5 times your Earth is stationed behind your Sun right now.

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