Unravelling the mysteries of clouds


Clouds are one of the biggest mysteries in the climate system. They play a key role in the regulating the temperature of our atmosphere. But we don’t know how their behaviour will change over time as Earth’s atmosphere gets warmer. This is where EarthCARE comes in.

Launching on 28 May 2024, ESA’s Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer will help quantify the role that clouds and aerosols play in heating and cooling Earth’s atmosphere. With its suite of four cutting-edge instruments, EarthCARE is a groundbreaking advancement in satellite technology.

It promises to deliver unprecedented data – unravelling the complexities of both clouds and aerosols. With this, we can refine our atmospheric models and climate forecasts, giving us the tools to tackle the challenges of a changing climate with greater accuracy and precision.

Watch EarthCARE launch live on ESA WebTV or ESA YouTube.

Credits: ESA – European Space Agency

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#ESA #EarthCARE #Clouds

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  1. if only we could stratospherically inject billions of tons of reflective/refracting particles, then we could bring about the end of the climate change quote unquote . I'm sure we would face no consequence for such actions, the least of which a widespread omnicide .

  2. Thank you brilliant ESA for the information & education.. we live and learn.. smile.. Keep upp the great work and Best of luck to you all.. Greetings from 💕🇮🇸✌️😊💕

  3. Good video and an excellent project. Who is the presenter? Also the audio and video are not exactly synchronised, where the presenter speaks in person.

  4. Speaking of aerosol intrusion, might I mention "cow farts". If anyone believes massive herds of cow farts effect the atmosphere I have some ocean front property on Mars I would like to sell you 🙂

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