This is how ESA stores Earth observation data


Join us as we enter ESA’s Heritage Missions data archive, which stores Earth observation data dating back to the 1970s.

ESA preserves this historical record from past satellite missions, which provides valuable information for long-term studies. The datasets from these missions are not only preserved, but continuously improved over time with reprocessing activities that make them compatible with products acquired by more recent missions and apply new processing algorithms that can improve the accuracy and quality of the products.

The presenter, Malì, is wearing an ESA t-shirt in the video, which is available for sale on the ESA online shop:

Credits: ESA – European Space Agency

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  1. You know from reincarnation research, everything is recorded. All optical observations through eyes 👀 and thoughts are recorded and can be played back as it happen, not probabilities but actualities. With no hardware needed. How?
    I'm glad you asked. ☺️

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