The best Milky Way animation, by Gaia
This is a new artist’s animation of our galaxy, the Milky Way, based on data from ESA’s Gaia space telescope.
Gaia has changed our impression of the Milky Way. Even seemingly simple ideas about the nature of our galaxy’s central bar and the spiral arms have been overturned. Gaia has shown us that it has more than two spiral arms and that they are less prominent than we previously thought. In addition, Gaia has shown that its central bar is more inclined with respect to the Sun.
No spacecraft can travel beyond our galaxy, so we can’t take a selfie, but Gaia is giving us the best insight yet of what our home galaxy looks like. Once all of Gaia’s observations collected over the past decade are made available in two upcoming data releases, we can expect an even sharper view of the Milky Way.
Click here to download the still image of the Milky Way:
Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC, Stefan Payne-Wardenaar
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#ESA #Gaia #MilkyWay
Nice. And shiny accent.
Sarebbe bello leggere almeno i sottotitoli in italiano.
I discovered Juliet Hannay. What a voice!? 👏
Standing on the moon I got no cobwebs on my shoes.
We need unother language to communicate
Superb narration.
well, that was too short.
Wow Nice🎉
I dunno what it is but every time, I see something like this and how vast our universe is, I get this weird feeling.
How amazing it is, how lonely and small we are, but I wanna know more about it and would love to travel to every planet. It's such a weird feeling, when I see this or look at the stars.