The Battle of Wake Island 1941
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Music used:
BTS Prolog – Kevin MacLeod
Echoes of Time – Kevin MacLeod
Hiding Your Reality – Kevin MacLeod
Blue Sizzle – Kevin MacLeod
War Thunder OST – Naval 14
Narrated by Dan Boud –
Many thanks to my generous Patreon supporters: Admiralwaffles, Giancarlo Andujo, Aust, Victor Degliame, Mayonnaise, TraJon, Anders “Gaztro” Nyhammer, Admiral Hill, Benny McAllister, Vernon Swain-Nisbet, ShamPowWow, Douglas Shull, Paul Soullier, Razgriz Gundam, Faustas Aglinskas, Alexander Nikolas Gierczyk, ColinNRN, Coby Tang, Douglas Arndell, Charles Dooley, James Lovingood, Bodo Nuber, Yurnero, Kaidong Nie, Pete Yun, Paul Soullier, Jan L. Doskocil, Todd Loreman and Vincent Lam!
I approve of the War Thunder sponsor! It's a fantastic game!
One of the best Battlefield maps EVER!!! π
if you're gunna use the imperial flag of japan to represent them at least be accurate with the US flag and use the 48 star one
I would guess that these ships are not scaled to Wake island and that the size of the ships are for are visual the viewer… Can anybody confirm that or the ship's actually the size that they represent…tanks
the Japanese were BLUE MAD i mean BLUE and hopping mad
This is just a bs commercial.
Do more ww2 vids pls
So many morons that want, for some reason, to re-write history. This is factually accurate despite what your left-wing interests are.
My great uncle was a civilian construction worker on Wake Island. He was captured by the Japanese and taken to A pow camp near Japan . When repatriated after the war he weighed 98 pounds. He went on to have a long life. During the war the US Navy used Wake as a practice bombing range for new carrier aircraft. This helped lead up to the massacre of the remaining American kept on Wake as slave labor. It was Marines who guarded the island.
8:55 Holy shit, the yanks sunk 2 destroyers? Nice shooting!