Napoleon’s strategy in Russia, 1812 – How did it fail? ⚔️ Part 1: To the Dvina river! ⚔️ DOCUMENTARY
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🚩 On June 24th, 1812, the French Emperor Napoleon led 450 thousand men across the Niemen River into Russia, beginning one of the most notorious military disasters in history. Throughout this 6-month campaign, both French and Russian commanders would struggle with forces far greater than any army: politics, logistics and of course, nature.
🚩 This video was made in collaboration with Strategy Stuff Don’t forget to check out his channel.
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📢 Narrated by David McCallion
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📚 Sources:
Chandler D. The Campaigns of Napoleon. Weidenfeld & Nicolson Ltd 1966.
Griess T ed. Atlas for the Wars of Napoleon. Avery Publishing Group Inc 1986.
Hartley J, Keenan P, Lieven D eds. Russia and the Napoleonic Wars. Palgrave MacMillan 2015.
Lieven D. Russia Against Napoleon. Viking 2010.
Nafziger G. Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia. Presidio 1988.
Black J. The French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars. Rowman & Littlefield 2022.
Nester W. Napoleon and the Art of Diplomacy. Savas Beatie 2012.
Voelcker T. Admiral Saumarez versus Napoleon. The Boydell Press 2008.
Lunde H. A Warrior Dynasty. Casemate 2014. [Charles XII]
Marvin Girelli
⭐ Attributions
Geographic Maps:
Google Maps
Political Maps:
Campaign Maps:
Lunde H. A Warrior Dynasty. Casemate 2014. [Charles XII]
Griess T ed. Atlas for the Wars of Napoleon. Avery Publishing Group Inc 1986.
#napoleon #russia #historymarche
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🚩 On June 24th, 1812, the French Emperor Napoleon led 450 thousand men across the Niemen River into Russia, beginning one of the most notorious military disasters in history. Throughout this 6-month campaign, both French and Russian commanders would struggle with forces far greater than any army: politics, logistics and of course, nature.
France and Russia are allies in History and will continue even after actual régime. It's Always England who makes the sheet in Europe.
bagradion was georgian dinasty!
Take my sacrifice to the algorithm
The Emperor does not make mistakes. All lies from HistoryMarche!
seems like u gathered enough facts, but came to the wrong conclusions on several questions like: economy, cause of war.
1. russian economy was in bad shape because of: – alexander waging constants wars and conducting huge mobilization to undermine French allied Germany, not because of continental system. that system stimulated internal production which in long term benefited economy. also slavery. serfdom. key reason of russian economy suffering.
2. war was caused by alexander who despite advantageous Tilsit peace, which gave him new territories, wanted to fight Napoleon (for british money, internal madness). napoleon wanted peace that's why in 1807 after Friedland he rejected his marshals plea to pursue the russians and gifted territories to alexander. napoleon wanted to appease him
3. Lithuania was deprived from resources because alexander kept there his mobilized army ready to attack french through germany. but germans refused to join him. they also wanted peace.
Best time to invade is when Putin is in charge.
"Why alarm the continent? Why don't you negotiate with me? I'm not stupid enough to believe that it is Oldenburg that occupies you. I see it is Poland.(…) I'm starting to think you're the one who wants to seize it. (…) No, you won't get it, even if your army camped on the heights of Montmartre. (…) If this crisis is not over by November, I will raise 120,000 men (…). I will not cede an inch of Polish territory, not a single village, not a single mill." Napoleon to Kourakine, Russian ambassador to Paris, 15th August 1811.
Quotes reported by Krusemarck, Prussian ambassador to France