Invasion of Western Europe (ALL PARTS) – Hungarian Conquest 899 – 955


The Magyars have always fascinated me, especially after their settlement of the Carpathian basin post 895 to 905. Their raids over the next 55 years reached as far as the Pyrenees and were successful enough that the Byzantine Empire and several other kingdoms chose to pay off the Magyars to gain relief from invasion. Their raids were finally brought to an end in 955 at the Battle of Augsburg when King Otto I of Germany defeated the Magyars.

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📢 Narrated by David McCallion

🎼 Music:

📚 Sources:
Clifford R. Backman – The Worlds of Medieval Europe.
Charles R. Bowlus – The Battle of Lechfield and its Aftermath, August 955 AD.
Gerhard of Augsburg – Vita Sancti Uodalrici (Life of Saint Ulrich).
Tom Holland – The Forge of Christendom: The End of Days and the Epic Rise of the West.
Peter Heather – The Restoration of Rome.
William Weir – 50 Battles that Changed the World.
Widukind of Corvey – Res Gestae Saxonicae Sive Annalium Libri Tres (Deeds of the Saxons, the Three Books of Annals).
The Complete Works of Luidprand of Cremona. Transl by Paolo Squatriti. The Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C., 2007
Reuter, Timothy. Germany in the Early Middle Ages 800–1056. (1991)
Balasz, György, and Karoly Szelényi. The Magyars: The Birth of a European Nation (1989)
Bóna, István. The Hungarians and Europe in the 9th-10th centuries (2000)
Edwards, Sean J. A., Swarming on the Battlefield: Past, Present, and Future (2000)
The Battle of Lechfeld, 910 from Antapodosis, Book II (10th c.)

#history #medieval #documentary

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  1. I think the rumors and stories from the small folk are my favorite part of these conflicts. I always wonder what the people of the time thought of all the constant war and violence around them. Was it like today where they never concerned themselves until it was on their door step, or did they live in constant paranoia and fear that raiders would turn up every year? Seems close to the ladder when you hear stories of “riders that never sleep sweeping through the countryside at night like wraiths”. I imagine just the sound of hooves coming up the road around sunset was enough to make most people dive in to the nearby bushes unless they were a group of armed men.

  2. Graves of Hungarian conquerors had Christian chest crosses, so may of them they already know Christianity. King Saint Stephen just adopted western style Christianity. Bulcsu was already baptized about 950 in Constantinople.

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