How Europe’s biggest rocket came to be: Ariane 6 montage


The first half of 2024 saw hundreds of people across Europe building, cajoling, shipping, lowering, integrating, securing and protecting the precious pieces and parts that came together to create Ariane 6 – Europe’s new heavy-lift rocket.

Huge engines, boosters and outer shells met tiny screws, electrical boards and masses of supercooled fuel. All this came together at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, for the spectacular first launch of Ariane 6 on 9 July 2024, restoring Europe’s access to space.

Get a glimpse at the teamwork, skill and care that went into this moment over many months, in this montage of Ariane 6 images, videos and timelapse photography spanning 30 January to 9 July 2024.

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  1. This is truly impressive, but:
    – Falcon is more cost-effective And very reliable too
    – in a couple of years the cheapest way to launch this will be…to pack it inside Starship
    – I follow several Space Tech channels: with commentary it is way more enjoyable (for us Space nerds 🧐)
    – hope this works flawlessly from the start so you can move to develop true next gen tech

  2. Wir brauchen hier 100Mio Abonnenten, dann fliegen WIR auch mit Gewinn ins All. PS: aus dem ganzen Panzkampferschrott inne Ukraine kann man doch einen Fahrstuhl zur ISS bauen ODER!?!

  3. You know what? I would have preferred some commentary and NO music (Noise as I hear it).
    I guess I just could have muted the audio, but I was expecting some voice over.

  4. You cannot launch anything without begging SpaceX, Ariane 6 costs over 70 million per launch and over 4 billion to develop, whereas Falcon 9 can launch and bring down the cost in half due to rapid reuseablity. Waste of taxpayer money

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