ESA’s EarthCARE launch (Official broadcast)


ESA’s EarthCARE mission is ready for lift-off! EarthCARE is a groundbreaking satellite mission designed to unravel the mysteries of Earth’s clouds and aerosols. EarthCARE will shed light on the role that clouds and aerosols play in heating and cooling Earth’s atmosphere – contributing to our better understanding of climate change. During our live coverage, we’ll hear from mission scientists and spacecraft operators, then follow the launch on a SpaceX Falcon 9 from California, expected at 00:20 CEST. Live from ESA’s spacecraft operations centre in Germany, we take you into the main control room around 01:12 CEST for the satellite’s acquisition of signal – EarthCARE’s first sign of life from space.

Credits: ESA/SpaceX

Timestaps of the video:
00:00 – 38:24 – Start of ESA WebTV Programme – Live from the European Space Operations Centre
38:25 – 50:44 – SpaceX live broadcast begins
50:45 – 1:01:40 – Lift-off
1:01:41 – 1:06:35 – Spacecraft deployment
1:06:36 – 1:40:40 – Stay tuned
1:40:41 – 1:44:50 – ESA WebTV Programme – Live from the European Space Operations Centre
1:44:51 – 1:55:00 – Acquisition of signal

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#ESA #EarthCAE #Launch

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  1. How can you not cry? I'm dropping some honest tears here, and I wasn't even involved in such a project. How can you not cry? I… Just… Don't… Know

  2. Beautiful to follow a satellite launch from ESA ❤️ESOC Space Center Darmstadt and their teams 😍😁from back home😇. I am sure a great job will be done ☑️ just following the broadcast. Brilliant job!

  3. I see you also use Rakija for the fuel… higly unstable but congratulations to ESA and SpaceX. I hope we can share our technology.
    Greetings from BOSA in Bosnia!! 🇧🇦❤🇪🇺♥️🇺🇲

  4. I used to work for ESA at ESOC in Darmstadt, Germany over 30 years ago. Back then ESA could launch their ownsatellites on the European Arianne rocket. Unfortunately that is no longer the case today and they have to use SpaceX. That's truly sad and a stain on the reputation and ability of ESA and Europe. It's time for ESA to clear out all the useless job-for-life tax dodgers. You know who you are. You are nothing more than parasites living off the European tax payer.

  5. So … without the Antonov of Ukraine 🔱, and the trampoline of Elon🚀
    … Nothing can be successful …🛰

    Give a price range if, Arianne6 should have done the work for this?
    Lots of decorum for a long time …
    Hoping with this tool, that scientists will give the facts for climato-skeptical negationism

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