ESA ? Space to Relax / eARTh
Having a stressful day? We got you covered!Sit back, turn the volume up and enjoy a relaxing moment brought to you by ESA and Lufthansa getting lost in the beauty of our planet with images captured by Envisat, JAXA ALOS, KARI Kompsat-2, GeoEye Ikonos-2 and NASA Landsat-5 and Landsat-7 satellites.
Don?t forget to favourite this video. You will always have a space to relax with us.
Music: “Page of Life” by Green Sun.
So beautiful. π
Hola. ?alguien sabe el estado de suciedad del espacio exterior??hay muchas piedras alli afuera??una nave volando a 100.000 k/h podria chocar con una piedra ambulante y atravesar el chasis??porque no se destruyen de un choque con una piedra las sondas Voyager que hay recorriendo el espacio a gran velocidad?
Cool clip!
Good vid!
Good vid!
Great clip!
Good channel!
Amazing video!
Very good clip!
Cool movie!
Excellent vid!