Earth from Space: Brussels
Earth from Space is presented by Kelsea Brennan-Wessels from the ESA Web-TV virtual studios. The one hundred thirty-fourth edition features a false-colour image of Belgium’s capital.
See also to download the image.
In this week's #EarthfromSpace, we take a look at a false-colour image of Belgium's capital, Brussels.
#Brussels #Belgium #earthobservation
Can these sensors also detect corruption?
Cute, Smart and enjoyable video what more could you ask for!
Brennan + Wessels = Bressels, which is almost the same as Brussels, which is the subject of this video, which is hosted by Kelsea Brennan Wessels…. Coincidence??
I don't think so.
Alien life on other planets = confirmed
The World Brilliant, in this next 21 Century!
I don't get it, she is a spokes person for ESA, but has an american TV accent.