Curiosity Has Landed! on This Week @NASA
Following a daring plunge through the Martian Atmosphere — billed as 7-minutes of Terror, The Mars Science Laboratory’s Curiosity rover made a successful, on-target landing on the Red Planet in Gale Crater. Curiosity is scheduled to conduct a two-year mission to investigate the most intriguing places on Mars in an effort to determine if microbial life is possible on the planet. Also, engineers at the Johnson Space Center have conducted test firings of the Project Morpheus Lander, the quickest trip ever to the International Space Station of an unpiloted Russian Progress resupply ship , Marking History at Kennedy Space Center’s Shuttle Landing Facility and more!
Whatever NASA is doing is truly awesome as far as determining if early life was possible there….
Will you pleeease shut up.
Mars is to curiosity, as the Americas is to Columbus.
I was tying my own shoelaces at 9-years-old without assistance, so don't think these people are the only geniuses.
Good Job Rover 😀
NASA is awesome.