Comets | Meet the experts
Comets are small objects of loosely packed ice and dust. Sometimes oddly shaped, they can tell us much about the formation of our Solar System. Cometary scientist Charlotte Götz discusses comets, their formation and their study in this week’s episode of Meet the Experts.
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Até o Sol faz de uma pedra uma sublimação que nos espanta pela beleza ….na sua passagem!! Excelente vídeo estes cometas errantes cheios de histórias do Universo!! A ROSETA uma missão de uma incrível inovação na exploração que levantou a ponta do véu de um cometa!? Adoro a simplificação e a infografia do vídeo que nos mostra muita informação…Excelente!!
Teacher's day[Sep-5] wishes to ESA-Experts. All experts are teaching something really interesting. Thanks Esa!
Thank you Gotz and ESA
I love the teachings of ESA researchers n scientists,,creating an awareness among people about our universe..
Hats off to your efforts.. ❤❤
Wish u all a very very Happy n Wonderful Teacher's day.. 🙏🙏
Lots of love from India.. 💞💞
I love Esa education and first ever comet I see is a neowise comet 🥰🥰😊😊
Great job, sis! Excited to get news on the Comet Interceptor mission!
Great information !
I wish all the best for "comet interceptor" mission . We want to see esa at greate heights and explore even greater….
Now this is the science class I wanted.
Name of the comet having highest orbital period and eccentricity please.Regards.
Very old, very fast space potatoes with little gravity and lot's of dirt on them. got it.
ESA: Why was the comet 67P picked out to be studied?. You knew about it for a decade, built a rocket, built Rosetta and Pheali {excuse my grammar}, waited almost a decade for it to catch up to 67P and then land on it. Im just curious why so much time and money on this particular comet. It is a strange comet indeed,its my favorite comet too. I wish i could of been part of your team on this one. M. {Canada }.
so cool
Can anyone translate the 100 km per second to football fields I live in America.
Great teacher. So young, so talented.
Thanks ESA. This is awesome.