Ariane 6 – a reality in Kourou


At Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, Ariane 6 is now a reality with the launch zone taking shape.

Indeed there is no time to lose for the future European launcher since its first launch is planned for July 2020.

But the independent access to space for Europe is at stake along with its leading role on the launcher market.

This video shows the status of Ariane 6 launch zone in Kourou with latest drone images and an interview with Daniel Neuenschwander, ESA’s Director of Space Transportation.

Read more about Ariane 6:

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  1. Ariane 6 is doomed before it has even existed. This program will cost billions. Proof that no government sponsored industrial project can compete with innovative young entrepreneurs. Exactly the same than the SLS program. It's a total shame.

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