King Sacrifice – Battle of Lutzen, 1632


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In 1632, the Thirty Years War took another turn. In the wake of his brilliant victory at Breitenfeld, Gustavus Adolphus’s triumphal campaign in the Holy Roman Empire was halted at Ingolstadt, Bavaria, where the Imperial-Leaguist Generalleutnant Tilly died of wounds received in the battle Rain am Lech. The former commander of the Imperial army, Generalleutnant Wallenstein, who had lost command in 1630 due to political intrigue at the court of Vienna, was re-instated as Generalissimus.

Wallenstein refused an initial battle on open ground against the Swedish King by entrenching his army at Nürnberg and then forced Gustavus Adolphus to retreat by cutting his supply lines. With winter near, Wallenstein deployed his regiments into garrisons throughout Saxony, like Nürnberg a Swedish ally. During this maneuvering, the Swedish King almost took Wallenstein’s rear guard by surprise at the town of Lützen.

During this battle, two of the most famous and brilliant commanders of the Thirty Years War tried to end the war with one fierce battle. At the end, one lost his life and the other lost his will to fight on.

📢 Narrated by David McCallion

🎼 Music:

đź“š Sources
LĂĽtzen 1632 : climax of the Thirty Years war – Richard Brzezinski (2001)
The Battle of LĂĽtzen 1632: A Reassessment – Andre Schurger (2023)
Richard Brzezinski – The Army of Gustavus Adolphus Volume 1: Infantry
Richard Brzezinski – The Army of Gustavus Adolphus Volume 2: Cavalry
Henrik O. Lunde – The Rise and Fall of Sweden as a Military Superpower, 1611-1721
Lars Erikson Wolke – Gustavus Adolphus, Sweden, and the Thirty Years War, 1630-1632
Russell Frank Wreighley – The Age of Battles: The Quest for Decisive Warfare from Breitenfeld to Waterloo

#history #documentary #30yearswar

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  1. Considering where Gustavus came from, A small and poor country, and the opposition he faced one has to acknowledge his achivements, not only on the tactical but also on the strategic level. That and his own genius to me puts him up there on the upper echelons of great generals.

  2. 23:18 Wow….Imagine being a swedish soldier, Standing there, awaiting battle, then your great leader, Walks a-front the crowd………"IKEA!!!!". Greatest battle cry in history, that would substantially improve the morale!

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