Aerospace Adventures Students Talk Space Technology with NASA
Ken Neiss, Communication Radio Frequency Onboard Network Utilization Specialist (CRONUS) ISS Flight Controller from Johnson Space Center in Houston Texas hosts Cloverdale Aerospace Technology Middle School from Little Rock Arkansas. NASA DLN broadcasts are connecting students around the country with the live mission operations being done by the International Space Station Flight Control Team. ISS flight controllers, astronauts and scientists often answer student’s questions about living and working in space, how the Houston mission control center operates, and a wealth of other topics related to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
nasa i just wont to say the march 11 thing with the sun is a meteorite with too many moons the reason i say that is it seems to be orbiting the witch is causing the flares the flares explode a moon witch makes the turbulence at the end pleas reponed
Just had a brief look at the relative components that comprise a position commanding that great title of occupation. Incredible.
Mercury vapour moon landing photos, the recent Earth axis shift, pre-dawn 'sunrises' hours before the sun comes up, new North Pole location…. just wondering, is there anybody at NASA who has the maturity to be honest with the public? I know what your Zionist scam is, you cannot fool me.